Oscar Beijbom


I'm co-founder of Nyckel where we are creating a fast, powerful, and simple Machine Learning API. Before Nyckel I was the Senior Director of Machine Learning at Motional, where I researched and developed deep learning technology for their autonomous vehicles. Before that I was a postdoctoral scholar in Trevor Darrell's lab at Berkeley AI Research where I worked on automated quantification of scientific image-data using deep learning.

Previously, I was lead developer at Hövding where I created the algorithmic framework and hardware design for their invisible bicycle helmet. I have also worked on automated dietary logging systems for consumer applications and focusing algorithms for image-based cell analysis.

I also manage and develop CoralNet, deploying deep convolutional neural networks to help coral reef ecologists mine image data.

I got my Ph.D in computer vision and machine learning at UCSD under David Kriegman and Serge Belongie, and my M.S. in engineering physics at Lund University under Kalle Åström.

This website is inspired by Peter Welinder. Thanks Peter!